Or...The Dragon got tagged for another meme
My good friend Jamieson Wolf, whose blog you can see at http://www.jamiesonwolf.blogspot.com/, tagged me for a meme that I swear I've seen before. This thing is making the rounds... So I'm playing along like a good little blogger.
Instructions: Write down six random things about yourself and then tag six bloggers with the same task. As a refresher, here's what you do.
Rules: Link to the person who tagged you. Post the rules on your blog. Write six random things about yourself. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blog. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their Web site. Let your tagger know when your entry is up. Have fun!
Six Random Things About Fantasy Author Sandy Lender:
1. I lived in Mallorca, Spain, for a year when I was an infant. While this seems to have had no lasting effect on my Spanish vocabulary, it has influenced my Spanish accent. When I string words together, it sounds as if I know what I'm saying.
2. I am a fantasy author who enjoys dabbling in the paranormal realm under the speculative fiction umbrella. My current fantasy novel, Choices Meant for Gods, is available on http://www.amazon.com/ from ArcheBooks Publishing, and its sequel is due for release this summer.
3. I was the Vacation Bible School director at a Southern Baptist Church in Kansas City for eight years and taught Youth Sunday School there for longer than they should have let me. Bwuahahaha. But I don't recall anyone dying under my watch so I think it turned out okay. (Hi, Judy!)
4. Despite the Southern Baptist background, I believe the Golden Rule applies to ALL of us, so I have a wide variety of friends and support anti-bigotry in my novels. (It's not in-your-face, but it's in there.)
5. I own several medieval-looking weapons. They bring me comfort and joy. (see image above)
6. I'm a volunteer with Turtle Time, which means I have a section of beach I patrol to watch for and report sea turtle nesting and hatching activity to help protect these endangered pookies. Their incidental capture in shrimp trawling nets, despite governmental regulations regarding the use of Turtle Excluder Devices (TEDs) is why I refuse to purchase and/or eat shrimp and I encourage others to boycott the shrimping industry as well. :)
Now here are the six people I tag to play along!
Henry R. Hermann, author of Beginnings, due out next month
Tina Murray, author of A Chance to Say Yes, due out next month
Barie Fez-Barrington, blog URL on its way…
Laura Crawford, copywriting and proofreading professional
Mikeeeeeeee!, writer
Steve Hart, author of Down Yonder, Florida, available now http://www.downyonderflorida.com/
"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."
Tags: Choices Meant for Gods, fantasy novel, fantasy author, Sandy Lender, Jamieson Wolf
Labels: Choices Meant for Gods, fantasy novel, Meme
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