Today the Dragon Wins

"Today the Dragon Wins" offers information from Fantasy Author and Professional Editor Sandy Lender. You'll also find dragons, wizards, sorcerers, and other fantasy elements necessary for a fabulous story, if you know where to look...

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Location: Misbehaving in Candlelight

Sandy Lender is the editor of an international trade publication and the author of the fantasy novels Choices Meant for Gods and Choices Meant for Kings, available from ArcheBooks Publishing, and the series-supporting chapbook, What Choices We Made.

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Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Day Aftermath
Or…The Dragon wants to know what you regret most from Feb. 14, 2008

'Fess up. Someone out there ate the entire box of chocolates in the oversized chocolate heart from Russell Stover or the gold box from Godiva after your date went home. (Or someone let the date "stay" longer than you should have and woke up next to a frog instead of a prince, if you catch my drift.) I'm ready to share my embarrassing moment if you'll share yours! The comment field is wide open.

Here's mine. I was waiting for my date to get off work (And can you believe they made him work late?!? On Valentine's Day?!?) and scooting around on the Internet (because that's what I do when I'm ignoring my muse) when a message came through from The Great Barry Manilow PR Machine. Yes, I'm a member of the Barry Manilow International Fan Club. I adore the man. The message said to click on a special little site and I could stream Valentine's Day music from him.


So I scoot to that site, click on the appropriate links, see one for Mandy (my favorite song of all time; please see the name of my main character in my fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods), and click on it. Up pops this little video of Barry at a white grand piano. "Uh-oh," think I. "This looks like a recording of a live performance."

Now, to anyone else in the world, this shouldn't be "an event." But for me, an obsessed moron, it's psychological mayhem. Sure enough, he hits the first six notes, that up-and-down melody, and I burst into tears.

It's happened to me since the first time I saw him in concert and he played Mandy at the Fox Theatre in St. Louis. Tears. I bawl when he plays it on TV shows. I bawl when it's been recorded and I'm watching the play-back of TV shows. I have been known to sob when it's played on the radio if I'm not expecting it.

Why? I have no idea. I've loved this song since I was 5 years old. It makes no sense to me, but it has the power to just wrench my heart out when Barry sings it.


And that's my embarrassing moment from Valentine's Day. I adjusted my makeup and patted my face with a cool cloth to get the splotchiness away before my date arrived so no one would suspect anything was out of the ordinary. Of course, now it's out here on the Internet for him and everyone else to read. But, you know, everyone has to figure out sooner or later that I'm a little off.

Now I've shared. It's your turn! Anything embarrassing or crazy happen on your Valentine's Day? Any overturned wine bottles? Flaming baked Alaska's get too close to your hair? Melted chocolates stick to your clothes? Anything good?

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."
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Blogger Laura M. Crawford said...

Got the freaking crud that everyone has been passing around at work, the whole sinus infection that makes my head swell up like a balloon thing. He was sweet to buy me longstem red/mauve (bi-color) roses, a whole DOZEN, with the high Cacao percentage DARK, DARK CHOCOLATE I LOVE. I couldn't speak, literally because I lost my voice to the CRUD, then my sense of smell and taste. Joy.

I bought him a ridiculously expensive camera because he got HOSED at Christmas (two pairs of gray sweats and a new package of socks! Ho, ho, hosed!), so I did it mostly out of guilt, but I was raised Catholic so it's not all my fault. He keeps telling me he wanted the CHEAP ONE, but I don't listen very well since my ears are plugged up with the stupid virus.

What pisses me off is I got my flu shot this year, what in the hell did it keep me from getting???


A week later, here I am, still sounding like I've been smoking cigs since birth, but my hearing is returning (my ears pop, I can hear, then they plug up, and I'm Marly Matlin), my sense of taste, and the smell is hit-or-miss at times, but improving. He knows I love him to the ends of the Earth. Always. That's all that matters.

Oh, and the chocolate is GONE! My nephew, Cannon, being only 2 years old, was so smart he bought Aunt Tsee-Tsee (me), and Uncle Dude (QH,Love of my Life), a whole box of Lindt Lindor Truffles. Yeah, they are gone too. Tasted great, what I could taste of them.

Happy Valentine's Day! Hugs to you.

Laura :)

3:27 AM  

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