Today the Dragon Wins

"Today the Dragon Wins" offers information from Fantasy Author and Professional Editor Sandy Lender. You'll also find dragons, wizards, sorcerers, and other fantasy elements necessary for a fabulous story, if you know where to look...

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Location: Misbehaving in Candlelight

Sandy Lender is the editor of an international trade publication and the author of the fantasy novels Choices Meant for Gods and Choices Meant for Kings, available from ArcheBooks Publishing, and the series-supporting chapbook, What Choices We Made.

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Monday, June 09, 2008

Exploring the Pen Name
With Guest Blogger and Horror Author Kim Richards
(During the month of June, here at Today the Dragon Wins we explore the use of pseudonyms. Don't forget to participate in the discussion in the comment field to enter the contest for a copy of the eBook version of Choices Meant for Gods. Details were posted June 1.)

Pen Names

Either you love 'em or hate 'em. I have two. The first came about by marrying my second husband. I published a few horror stories, a children's book and a scifi novel under that one, Kim Bundy, before we divorced. At court, I asked for the right to continue using it for these works, then available. Though I could use it again, I haven't really. Most people nowdays know me more as Kim Richards. I have to admit that Bundy had a few folks in the horror community wondering if it were a pen name because of the serial murderer, Ted Bundy. It still makes me laugh.

The second name I have is Shari Silva. I edited a how-to book on sex for another author and decided to use a pseudonym because I also wanted to write erotica. So far, the editing is the only thing Shari has credits in. She is actually a made up name of a made up name. LOL! I'm a long time role-player and for nineteen years played in a live action roleplay where Sharrisselva was my character's last name in the game. I doubt there are many people in the world who would guess that one. Anyway, Shari is working on an erotica novel about a wannabe dominatrix. We hope to see it published some day. She does have her own email account and myspace. It's kind of fun having an alter ego like that though.

I encourage you to check out Kim Richards' latest novel, Death Masks, at her publisher's site. And be sure to keep up with Kim's book tour by checking out the list o' sites I posted on June 3rd or by clicking on her name above and seeing the list o' dates at her site. Enjoy!

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Blogger Tabitha Shay said...

Hi Kim,
I'm a firm believer in pen names. I have two, Tabitha Shay and Jaydyn Chelcee. Who knows if I will stop at those two. Lately, I've been considering writing a M/M romance and if i do, then certainly I will take a third pen name. I see nothing wrong with keeping the genres an author writes seperated by pan names. I think readers come to associate a certain with a certain type of genre, I know I do. Congrats on your new book and good luck, also good luck with your virtual tour...Tabs

12:03 PM  
Blogger Tabitha Shay said...

Oops Sandy,
So sorry I posted this on the wrong post. Not used to the comments being at the top...My bad...Tabs

12:10 PM  
Blogger Sandy Lender said...

No worries, Tabitha!
You know, I've got a vampire trilogy I'm working on (in my spare time) that I'm thinking of putting under a pseudonym because it's so far from what I typically write. The style, the setting, the characters, the gore, the rating, etc. But I've worked so hard to get my name out that I can't imagine starting over and promoting a new name. Ugh! It'll be difficult enough establishing myself in a "new" genre. Still speculative fiction, know...I'm trying to build my name in epic fantasy right now. To suddenly introduce three titles in gothic paranormal horror terror will be "odd" at best!!

He he he.
Man, I thought it was difficult to get any family members to read fantasy. I'll never get them to read vampire stories! Bwuahahahahaha!

Sandy L.
"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

12:25 PM  

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