Today the Dragon Wins

"Today the Dragon Wins" offers information from Fantasy Author and Professional Editor Sandy Lender. You'll also find dragons, wizards, sorcerers, and other fantasy elements necessary for a fabulous story, if you know where to look...

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Location: Misbehaving in Candlelight

Sandy Lender is the editor of an international trade publication and the author of the fantasy novels Choices Meant for Gods and Choices Meant for Kings, available from ArcheBooks Publishing, and the series-supporting chapbook, What Choices We Made.

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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Practicing With My Bird
Or...The Dragon has picked out Friday night's scenes

I've selected the scenes for the Oct. 1 reading from Choices Meant for Kings at Archon 34. To make sure I don't bore the audience, I practiced reading to Petri. He loves the attention.

Hope to see you there!
"Some days, you just want the dragon to win."
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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Rate The Dragon
Or...Fantasy Author Sandy Lender placed a preview on CreateSpace for you

In preparation for the upcoming release of What Choices We Made, Volume II (short stories from the history of Onweald), I placed an excerpt from a story in volume one on the CreateSpace site for readers to check out. You can read the excerpt (for free, of course) and rate it. You don't have to answer the questions I provided, but, if you feel like sharing your reading preferences and thoughts with others, the option for that is there, too.

The link for the What Choices We Made, Vol. I preview gives you a chance to rate the dragon!
Have fun!
"Some days, you just want the dragon to win."
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Monday, September 13, 2010

Don't Give Caffeine to Dragons
Or...I wrote another novel over Labor Day weekend

For the 33rd annual International 3-Day Novel Contest, I pounded out 40,745 words of a young adult novel titled Problems Above Pangaea Moon. I don't get to tell you any more than that. Savvy visitors will recognize that it "feels" like a sequel to Problems on Eldora Prime, the first novel in the young adult, science-fiction/fantasy series to be released from Night Wolf Publications at the end of this month...possibly mid-October at the latest. Savvy visitors would be correct. Because I've turned the manuscript in to the admins at the 3-Day Novel Contest offices, I have to pretend my manuscript no longer exists until they announce winners of the contest in January.

I don't hold out a lot of hope for this year's entry. I drank two 2-liter bottles of diet Pepsi and a large ice cafe latte from Dunkin Donuts while typing those 72 hours. That's an awful lot of caffeine for someone who hasn't had caffeine (doctor's orders) for about 15 years. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

It was a long weekend complete with a 20,000-word day Saturday, a power outage Sunday afternoon, and a friend's visit to the emergency room Monday afternoon. I had quite a time of it trying to type amid the interruptions and the crazed dash to the store for stray food and the aforementioned Dunkin Donuts coffee. Somehow, Problems Above Pangaea Moon finished itself Monday afternoon and editing went fairly well into the night hours. I printed it out well before the midnight deadline and mailed it (with a witness statement) during the week.

Now we wait. All several hundred of us writers that put ourselves through the marathon of typing death...wait. :)

"Some days, you just want the dragon to win."
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