Nigel Found me at the Beach
Or...I'm taking the day off
I don't try to hide from my muse, but I thought it amusing while on sea turtle patrol this morning that, if he was looking for me, he'd be hard-pressed to find me. (Will you think I'm crazy if I tell you he succeeded?) I got to my section of beach late because I turned off my alarm without waking up this morning. Oops. This is a sign...
So! Because there are no blog tour stops today (that is by design - Saturdays are sea turtle days so I figure I shouldn't be trying to attend to a host's blog AND sea turtle nests as the sun's coming up - it's not fair to either party), I believe I'm going to relax. I might go take a nap.
So if you guys are looking for writing information, scroll and check the archives. I'll post new, fresh stuff tomorrow or Monday. This is what it's like to chill out. Have a fabulous Saturday!
And if you want to order the new epic fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods so it's available to read NEXT Saturday (in case you want to chill out, too), please stop by http://www.amazon.com/Choices-Meant-Gods-Sandy-Lender/dp/1595071652/ref=cm_cd_t_h_dp_i/104-9089752-5140754 and get your free shipping option.
"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."
Tags: Choices Meant for Gods, Sandy Lender, fantasy novel, muse
Labels: book tour, Choices Meant for Gods
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