Today the Dragon Wins

"Today the Dragon Wins" offers information from Fantasy Author and Professional Editor Sandy Lender. You'll also find dragons, wizards, sorcerers, and other fantasy elements necessary for a fabulous story, if you know where to look...

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Sandy Lender is the editor of an international trade publication and the author of the fantasy novels Choices Meant for Gods and Choices Meant for Kings, available from ArcheBooks Publishing, and the series-supporting chapbook, What Choices We Made.

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Monday, June 25, 2007

Grammar Guide
Conscious Versus Conscience

I've been lax in posting Grammar Guides. I apologize. It wasn't a conscious oversight, but a function of how busy and crazy my life is at the moment. The topic of this week's Grammar Guide is the difference between Conscious and Conscience. And it's more than just spelling…

Conscious is, essentially, a sense of awareness. This deals with the conscious and subconscious minds. It deals with being conscious of doing something or being alert and awake. In the fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods, Chariss is not conscious that Nigel wants to court her until Hrazon brings it to her attention.

Conscience (with the word "science" in it) is the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. This one deals more with morality and proper conduct. In the fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods, The Master Rothahn doesn't let His conscience intrude upon His desire to have everything done His way at whatever cost.

So the way to keep them clear and not-confused? Well, the way I do it is by remembering that conscience (the one with science in it) handles morality and ethics, much like scientists in this day and age must do.

(Fantasy Author Sandy Lender has been an editor in the magazine publishing industry for more than 15 years and is the author of the new epic fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods, available from

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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