Where Will You Find Fantasy Author Sandy Lender This Week?
Or...the CMFG Online Book Tour takes Sandy to a few events...
Starting with today's activity, Sandy Lender attended a live event at the Caloosa Yacht and Racket Club where she participated with five other ArcheBooks authors in raising funds for the Adonis Society, which funds research for children and adults with autism. Folks who weren't able to attend can still get a copy of Choices Meant for Gods at http://www.amazon.com/Choices-Meant-Gods-Sandy-Lender/dp/1595071652/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/102-9883296-3024969?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1182722132&sr=8-1.
Monday, you'll find an interview with Sandy Lender at http://ambasadora.livejournal.com. I think that's the one where I selected six questions from a list of topics and answered them at random. I don't remember for certain... Whenever that interview goes up, it's going to be a hoot. (It was fun to do.)
Tuesday, you'll find an interview with Sandy Lender at http://greetingsfromthepolebarn.blogspot.com with the fabulous and uplifting Laura Crawford, who just so happens to be a John Taylor fan. Woo-hoo, Laura!
Wednesday, you can catch an interview with Nigel Taiman at http://friendsofdragons.wordpress.com. And don't think THAT won't be interesting...Sandy will serve as referee, just in case...
Thursday evening, join in for an author chat with Sandy Lender at www.cassidymckay.com in her live chat room at 8 p.m. eastern. Bring questions, comments, etc., and enjoy the conversation!
"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."
Tags: Choices Meant for Gods, Sandy Lender, fantasy author, online book tour
Labels: book tour, Choices Meant for Gods
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