Or...I don't have a Grammar Guide ready for today
This picture is of me not ready for the picture to be taken. It fits this article. Why? Because I was a bad dragon and I didn't prep the Monday morning Grammar Guide. Sigh.
Check back tomorrow.
Funny how wrapping up a virtual tour and prepping an article about all the winners from the contests I held during the Choices Meant for Gods Online Book Tour and prepping the contests that are ongoing right now (and you can read the posts from Saturday below to see all those) and editing the synopsis for Choices Made by Gods to send to my publisher and editing the manuscript for Choices Made by Gods kinda sapped up all the hours in my weekend. Now, don't think I was slacking off. We writers know there's no rest for the wicked...or the writer. I only got 45 minutes of sleep Friday night. And I only got 3 hours of sleep last night. (Now, I did indulge Saturday night and got the whole 7 that doctors recommend these days, so, perhaps that was overzealous of me...) But I just couldn't get to everything.
Rest assured, I'll get to it all this week. I'm taking Friday off of work! Woo-hoo! I've built up enough time at the office for a personal day. You can't beat that with a stick. So somewhere between getting the oil changed in the car and finding a company that will sell me and my oh-so-stellar recent credit debacle a cell phone plan, I think I'll do some future blog articles so all ya'll aren't sitting around waiting on me to post useful stuff.
In the meantime, if you're in need of something to read, might I recommend this epic fantasy novel by the new up-and-coming fantasy author Sandy Lender? My good friend Laura Crawford had incredible things to say about both me and the novel at http://greetingsfromthepolebarn.blogspot.com Saturday. You can check that out. And you can order Choices Meant for Gods at http://www.amazon.com/Choices-Meant-Gods-Sandy-Lender/dp/1595071652/ref=dp_return_2/002-3163519-8684042?ie=UTF8&n=283155&s=books.
See you tomorrow.
"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."
Tags: Choices Meant for Gods, Choices Made by Gods, Sandy Lender, fantasy novel, dragon
Labels: book tour, Choices Made by Gods, Choices Meant for Gods
Sandy, using the word "slacker" and your name in the same sentence, well, it's wrong for sooo many reasons! Good gravy, girl! I am so happy you have taken a personal day, you enjoy it. Try not to work. I know only too well how hard that is going to be for you. I spent all weekend ignoring Quint and working on my assignments and my business. I have a bit to finish and then I am done with the course. Whew! I spent the weekend setting up my website for the business, making up samples and business cards (they are hideous, so I'm going to have Steve make me some professional cards. I'll send you some when they get printed). Now, it's promotion, promotion, promotion! Fun!
BTW, I said all of those nice things about you on my blog because they are true honey. Have a great day!
Laura :)
I'm laughing, Laura, especially because I didn't get the guide or the WOD posted before I came to work today!
I'm totally slackin'!!!!
Sandy L.
"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."
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