Today the Dragon Wins

"Today the Dragon Wins" offers information from Fantasy Author and Professional Editor Sandy Lender. You'll also find dragons, wizards, sorcerers, and other fantasy elements necessary for a fabulous story, if you know where to look...

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Location: Misbehaving in Candlelight

Sandy Lender is the editor of an international trade publication and the author of the fantasy novels Choices Meant for Gods and Choices Meant for Kings, available from ArcheBooks Publishing, and the series-supporting chapbook, What Choices We Made.

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Monday, July 27, 2009

Want to Enter a Writing Contest?
Or...The Dragon gives you a daunting one

I sent off my registration for the 3-Day Novel Contest up in Canada today. It costs $50 to enter and requires a writer to wait until midnight Friday, Sept.4 to start writing. Then the writer types like mad until midnight Monday, Sept. 7. He/she prints off whatever was produced and sends it to the judges. The registration fee guarantees the material gets read (nice). Now, there's only one winner from this international contest, and that winner gets published, but the true value of the exercise is...well...the exercise. I mean, what were you planning to do over Labor Day weekend? For the past two years, I've spent an inordinate amount of money on getting lost among the throng at DragonCon. This year, I'm going to produce a novel. Of course, this is the weekend after a weekend in Columbus for Context 22 where I'll be running myself ragged serving on panels and doing readings and promoting the new novel, Choices Meant for Kings. Oh, yes, I said the new novel. Stay tuned because I'm making an announcement on that score later this week...

If you're interested in participating in the 3-Day Novel Contest, check out the site. You need to postmark your registration form by Sept. 4. And that means getting an international stamp...which means a trip to the post office for some of us.

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."
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Blogger Jane Kennedy Sutton said...

I find even in seminars where you need to write something in a matter of minutes, I draw a complete blank. I think I have to be relaxed to be creative, so I don't think this is my type of contest. But, I'm interested to hear how you survive it. Be sure to let us know.

10:07 AM  
Blogger Laura M. Crawford said...

This sounds like NaNoWriMo on crack! Hmmm. I need the cash to enter, and a trip to the post office. I think I might clear my schedule for that one. You know how I like a challenge! **insert evil laughter here**

I'm glad to see you are keeping yourself busy, and yes, I will be watching for that announcement!!


Laura :)

6:00 PM  
Blogger Sandy Lender said...

There's a group on facebook to support us crazy people who signed up.
Sandy L.
"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

8:12 PM  

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