Today the Dragon Wins

"Today the Dragon Wins" offers information from Fantasy Author and Professional Editor Sandy Lender. You'll also find dragons, wizards, sorcerers, and other fantasy elements necessary for a fabulous story, if you know where to look...

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Location: Misbehaving in Candlelight

Sandy Lender is the editor of an international trade publication and the author of the fantasy novels Choices Meant for Gods and Choices Meant for Kings, available from ArcheBooks Publishing, and the series-supporting chapbook, What Choices We Made.

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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The Dragon Got Hit With Another Meme
Or…doggonit…networking in the blogosphere

I’m playing along because this one is easy and it doesn't take a lot of time away from the high of receiving Choices Meant for Gods the other night (see the post below today's Word of the Day for yesterday's explanation). Any of you regular visitors will remember the first meme to appear here at The Dragon. Holy cow. Jeni, I’ll get around to forgiving you for it one of these days, but I haven’t had a chance to burn any sage incense yet. ;)

Now my friend Mikee up in Tampa tagged me with a meme about obsessions. Considering I have a few of those…here we go. You could view Mike’s responses at his blog if I could remember things with only 8 hours of sleep over three days. Mike, you’ll have to put it in the comment field, Darlin’.

For those of you not familiar with memes, I put my responses to a question(s) here on my blog, then tag a set number of people to copy and do the same at their blogs. (Insert evil laughter here.) And then we leave comments for each other summarizing our success on the exercise. Yeah, Mike, that’ll happen during the lunch hour.

Five things I can admit to being obsessed with:
1) writing (no surprise – I’ve only been doing this since age 6 – have I mentioned on here that I used to write books that began with the table of contents? – yeah, included page numbers and everything - I don't think Choices Meant for Gods even has a TOC...)
2) Duran Duran (there are not words to describe this problem of mine – and whoever broke into John Taylor’s house Monday night will have me to deal with when he/she is caught)
3) turtles (I’m a volunteer with Turtle Time, which means from May 1 until sometime in October, I haul my behind out to the beach every Saturday morning before dawn to patrol for sea turtle nests and babies – it’s the greatest thing in the world)
4) baseball (the St. Louis Cardinals made me proud in October – and Scott Rolen is my man – and ESPN needs to be reminded that there are a few teams outside of New York)
5) Petri! (my bird)

I’m tagging the following five:
Eric Maisel (who will be appearing in an author interview here at The Dragon May 10 for his new book Ten Zen Seconds)
Jamieson Wolf (who will be appearing in an author interview here at The Dragon in June for his new book WRITE NOW! Exercises for the Aspiring Writer)
Robert Gelinas (the Florida Writers Association’s southwest branch leader)
Tina Murray at (author of A Chance to Say Yes)
Raven Bower at (author of fantasy works to be released by ArcheBooks Publishing this summer)

Now each of you are to answer the question and tag five folks of your own choosing to expand the networking joy.

“Some days, I just want the dragon to win.”



Blogger Jeni said...

Actually Sandy, Mikie and I BOTH tagged you for that meme and he probably figured the same as I did that you would be able to post, quite easily, some good obsessions!

And, you did that quite admirably too, I must add.

11:43 AM  
Blogger Sandy Lender said...

I still haven't found your e-mail...which is no surprise. There are more than 400 unread ones in my inbox right now...Ugh.

Yeah, I have a few obsessions. How did you know? It's that naughty Nigel Taiman spreading rumors about me on his blog, isn't it? ;) I guess that's what I get for letting publicist-type people convince me that authors should have blogs about them.

Sandy L.
"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

6:52 AM  

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