There Once Was a DragonOr...this month's theme is for funFor the month of July, I've invited writers to submit a story, poem or other creative writing piece that contains a dragon or mention of a dragon to entertain you happy visitors. So far, there haven't been a lot of takers because…well…it's not easy to just pop off a story with a dragon. For those of us who've been writing fantasy for ever and a day, it's like talking, but for others, it takes more effort and meeting a deadline ain't happenin'. So I'm proud to announce that a few of my writer friends have not just accepted the challenge…they've done a nice job with it. You should be entertained!
Because I'd like you visitors to encourage these writers and authors, and I'd like to hear what other writers and readers around the blogosphere think about dragons and dragon lore and dragon poetry, etc., we're holding a contest for commentators to win some coo-el free stuff in conjunction with the "There Once Was a Dragon" story postings. If you follow the commenting guidelines, you could win an electronic copy of the romance novel
A Chance to Say Yes by participant Tina Murray, a one-year subscription to the financial e-zine from Laura Crawford of Crawford Writing and Marketing, and an electronic copy of the epic fantasy novel
Choices Meant for Gods by host Sandy Lender. If I wasn't in the process of moving (SURPRISE) into a new, non-foreclosed apartment by the end of the month and undergoing another biopsy (SURPRISE) to figure out what kind of lymphoma I have, I'd have written a new dragon story for you all as well. As it stands, I have one in the works that I just might share when my divorce proceeding in the middle of the month is finished, but the pre-trial paperwork and prep is taking a little more time than I expected. (Yes, that would be amid the other crap. A writer's life is never dull, let me tell you. I've got enough fodder out of the past two years to write an insane memoir that NO ONE would believe.)
So sit back, relax, enjoy the dragon stories a few of my author and writer friends have prepared for you, and comment on them to enter the contest for the free goodies. But when you comment, you MUST include your return e-mail address. You can put it in "code" if you wish. MyName at yahoo dot com. Or MyName at netzero dot com. Whatever the case may be. I can figure that out. What I can't figure out is who the devil you are if you log in anonymously and set your blogger surfing on "no reply". Then you miss out on winning the cool stuff. I have no way to contact you when I pull your strip of paper out of the Duran Duran tour cap…
Enjoy and good luck!
Sandy Lender,
Tina Murray,
Laura CrawfordLabels: contest announcement, dragon