Today the Dragon Wins

"Today the Dragon Wins" offers information from Fantasy Author and Professional Editor Sandy Lender. You'll also find dragons, wizards, sorcerers, and other fantasy elements necessary for a fabulous story, if you know where to look...

My Photo
Location: Misbehaving in Candlelight

Sandy Lender is the editor of an international trade publication and the author of the fantasy novels Choices Meant for Gods and Choices Meant for Kings, available from ArcheBooks Publishing, and the series-supporting chapbook, What Choices We Made.

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Saturday, June 30, 2007

Choices Meant for Gods Contest a flash drive answering questions about the fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods

Today my fantasy characters and I announce a fun and easy little contest in which you can win a Sony MicroVault 2 gig USB flash drive. I'll mail it to you if you answer the questions correctly by the deadline. The deadline? Oh, it's a special day...the end of the Choices Meant for Gods Online Book Tour, to be exact: July 21. There are going to be a few things going on that day...but you have to get a running start for this contest.

To see the list of questions (and, trust me, if you've stopped in for three or four of the dates on this online book tour of mine, or if you've read the fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods, these questions are going to be easy), go to and see the list that Kora's posting there today. Easy breezy. Now, if you haven't been following the Choices Meant for Gods Online Book Tour or you haven't read the epic fantasy novel'll need to get a copy at (there's also an electronic version available from my publisher's site at so you can answer the questions correctly.

Visit Kora's site at to enter!

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Friday, June 29, 2007

Count Your Blessings
Or...The Dragon gets philosophical for a day
Those of us who wonder how we'll be buying our prescription medications and groceries at the end of the week can empathize with others in duress. And so I want to ask visitors to the The Dragon today to join me in praying (or, if you're not the praying type, to send positive thoughts and energy) for a pal of mine, Cassidy McKay. I'm not going to share her private issues in a public forum, but I'm going to tell you that she's a kind person who offered me a place to do an online chat during the Choices Meant for Gods Online Book Tour. She has some worries right now, and those make my ridiculous financial issues look...well...ridiculous.
I am thankful for my beautiful pet bird that is bonded to me. I am thankful for my good health (and the people who know me and who are laughing at me can just stuff a sock in it - I have remarkably good health compared to a lot of other people). I am thankful for the house that the banks haven't kicked me out of yet. I am thankful for my job. I am thankful for my amazing, incredible book that you see me holding in the picture above. I am thankful for the fantastic review of Choices Meant for Gods that's running in the Boca Raton paper this Sunday (you can read it in the post here yesterday). I am thankful for my friends and family who call and write to make sure I'm not dead yet. I am thankful for the new Duran Duran album coming out this September. This list could go on for a very long point is, if you stop and think about it...we've got a lot to be thankful for. And because this is a WRITING blog, I encourage you to WRITE back and tell me something you're thankful for (after you say a prayer for Cassidy's situation, okay?). Okay.
"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Word of the Day
Friday, June 29, 2007
Sapedrel (noun) – In the epic fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods, the region of Tiurlang is made up of many underground villages called sapedrels

Etymology: Fantasy Author Sandy Lender morphed this word from the Latin/Spanish word for village

Word in a Sentence (from the high fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods, page 275): The areas that had good lighting were the open spaces of the sapedrels and the growing rooms.

Your turn! I know someone out there can work either this word or its Latin root into a nice sentence for us.

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Choices Meant for Gods Gets a Great Book Review
Or...fantasy author Sandy Lender is stoked about this weekend's upcoming article

The Boca Raton newspaper will run the following fabulous review of Choices Meant for Gods this Sunday, and I am just thrilled! Enjoy!

By Prudy Taylor Board
Sorcerers, dragons, monsters, magic! Choices Meant for Gods, Sandy Lender’s delightful debut novel has them all. Lender’s protagonist is Chariss, a beautiful young woman born with the mark of the Protector, an amethyst on her cheekbone, high up near the corner of her right eye. However, no one — including Chariss — understands its meaning until she and Master Rothahn travel to Tiurlang and there, in the prophecy scrolls, they uncover not only the stone’s meaning, but her life’s purpose.

As the book opens Chariss and Hrazon, her wizard guardian, flee the evil Lord Drake whose goal is to kill her. She and Hrazon take shelter in the home of Godric Alan Taiman, where she begins a series of lessons — including swordplay with monsters — that train her to guard a god. The pages fly by and they are filled with twists and turns, with quirky, exciting characters who experience the gamut of universal and eternal emotions ranging from love and evil to fear and tremendous courage, from despair to exultant victory. All this and a satisfying ending!

Sandy Lender is personally interesting because she represents the new wave of authors who have embraced the Internet and electronic marketing. This is reportedly the future of book sales — especially for midlist authors. She does the typical signings at bookstores and speaking to clubs, but before this book launched, Lender visited a different blog, web site, author chat room or Yahoo group page every day for two months. She introduced herself, discussed her book, her characters, and created a base of readers and fans.

“As for ‘normal’ online marketing,” she explains, “I've got six blogs working that at the moment.” (If you’re not familiar with the term blog, it’s an online journal.) Nigel Taiman, her hero, has an amusing blog listed below.

Choices Meant for Gods is imminently readable. The characters are well drawn, the plot moves quickly. Lender’s worlds are intriguing and believable. An added bonus for younger readers is the absence of profanity and explicit sex. This book ends with the portentous words, “To be continued,” and indeed she’s currently working on the next book in the trilogy. I’ll be looking for it.

Visit her blog at or Nigel's at (Choices Meant for Gods. Archebooks. Hardcover. 418 pages. $29.99. ISBN 9781595071651)

You can pick up a copy of Choices Meant for Gods at to meet the characters and read the story for yourself!

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Promotional Guide
Say Cheese

The bell curve at my first book signing for Choices Meant for Gods was in direct correlation to my mood swing. I started out hesitant, nervous, and with an uneasy smile. I know because I felt it - and I felt irritation with myself over it. "I'm more outgoing than this! I'm friendlier than this!" So I threw the law of attraction into practice, used my real smile (the one I like to imagine Chariss flashing at her mentor Hrazon when she's happy), and things began to pick up.

Unfortunately, traffic slowed toward the end of my two-hour stint and I let exhaustion cool my momentum, and my smile. You better believe people can read it in your body language when you're just not excited - so why should they be? One way to make sure you're promoting yourself well is to maintain a positive level of excitement and enthusiasm for your product, even if you're ready for your 4:00 nap.

Practice flashing those pearly whites until your enthusiasm shines through. Folks'll see it in you.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Congratulations to Faith Sorenson

Or...The Dragon wants to show off this cool gal

I posted on Sunday evening that Faith Sorenson of Southwest Florida had won the replica of Jorin Taiman's training sword at the charity event for autism research, but I didn't have this fancy dancy picture ready to go with the message. Now here she is (center) with her friend Lou Sand (left), who will be using the sword (for real!) in her martial arts training classes.

Now, if you don't know who Jorin Taiman is, get thee to a book store and get your copy of Choices Meant for Gods and start reading! Or you can grab a copy with free shipping at

Thank you for entering the contest for Jorin's sword, Faith, and congratulations, again!

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Word of the Day
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Tiurlang (proper noun) – The underground city or region where the Ungol live; a network of underground villages where the Ungol create and live and guard the prophets and the prophecies they dictate; in the Ungol language, it means "at peace with beauty"

Etymology: Same story as yesterday's word, the fantasy author, Sandy Lender, created this word so long ago that she doesn't remember how she came up with it.

Word in a Sentence (from the high fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods, page 133): There was only one reason anyone went to Tiurlang—to read the prophecies guarded there.

Your turn! Got any traveling sentences in you?

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Dragon is at The Polebarn
Or...the online book tour goes north

Today you can visit with fantasy author Sandy Lender at Laura Crawford's blog at This is cool because most of you won't physically drive to Minnesota today, but you can still meet me there...

If you don't already have a copy of Choices Meant for Gods, please check out my publisher's site at to order your copy with a 25% discount and to see the fancy schmancy flash banner Bob Gelinas made for me. It's very cool...includes my slogan.

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Writer's Guide
Research - Primary Sources

With the advent of the internet, writers, scholars, journalists and researchers found a wealth of information at their fingertips. A person can prepare a term paper without ever leaving home. Need to check out some specific region in Austria for a scene in a play? Hop online and find what you're looking for with just a few strategically-considered search words.

Hold on there, though, once that search engine brings back your results. A good journalist or scholar filters those results for primary and secondary source material.

A primary source is a first-hand account. This is akin to getting information straight from the horse's mouth, as it were. If you go directly to Mrs. Smith, you can get a quote about the ingredients in her pies, and you can probably trust it. If I want information about the estate at Arcana in my fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods, I'll go straight to Nigel Taiman over at because he's been managing and maintaining the place for years. He's a primary source.

A secondary source is someone who knows a first-hand person or someone who is relaying information for the first-hand person. The website for a major corporation, run by its public relations department, with only management-approved statements, can be viewed as a primary source, but the daily newspaper quoting the website is a secondary source. The newspaper is summarizing and filtering (and, if it's like most media in this country, manipulating) the information for the mass market. If I ask Henry Bakerson at from Choices Meant for Gods about the estate at Arcana, I'm checking in with a secondary source because he doesn't live there and hasn't been there for six years.

If you're reporting something in your writing, use a primary source to make yourself relevant.

Now, if you're writing fiction, the rules relax a bit because you're treading on more forgiving ground. You can make something up or twist a fact and call it art, but even in this craft you want to be careful. If you've set characters in the real world and have them riding their bikes from Highland to LaBrea for half an hour in L.A., some reader is going to notice that it shouldn't take as much time as you've given it. It pays to get on a real honest-to-God L.A. city map service website and check the distance. Make sure there's a bike lane. Make sure mud slides haven't wiped it out. Hit the California Department of Transportation website and see if any construction projects have the road closed during the month(s) that your story takes place. Research. Better yet: if you live anywhere near L.A., become the primary source yourself and go check it out. If you live in Connecticut, call up a friend or send an e-mail request through one of your online writer's groups to have one of them check it out for you, thus turning a pal into your primary source.

That's a pretty mundane example, but I think you get my point. If you get a detail wrong, even in fiction writing where you get to "make up" the story, someone out there will notice. Make sure the sources where you gather information are accurate, reliable, and first-hand accounts to protect your credibility and enhance not just your fiction writing, but other forms of writing as well.

(Fantasy Author Sandy Lender has been an editor in the magazine publishing industry for more than 15 years and is the author of the new epic fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods, now available from ArcheBooks Publishing.)

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Word of the Day
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Ungol (noun) – In the epic fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods, the Ungol are a race of people who live underground in Tiurlang; they guard the prophecy scrolls and watch over the prophets; when Chariss was a child, they offered her shelter for part of a year

Etymology: Fantasy Author Sandy Lender created this word so long ago that she doesn't remember where she came up with it, but she has a notebook with the word spelled backwards, scratched out, and spelled as it currently is used

Word in a Sentence (from the high fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods, page 272): Of all the Ungol assembled along the gate and iron wall, he had chosen her eyes to meet. And now he held her captive in his lunatic glare.

Your turn! Okay…the Ungol are an entire race of people. They're lovely and creative and protective of deep, dark secrets. Surely you can create a fabulous sentence with fodder like that.

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Monday, June 25, 2007

Happy Birthday to George Michael

Or...The Dragon is a child of the '80s

Yes, it's June 25. This means it's Monday so you have a Grammar Guide to read, a new Word of the Day, Fantasy Author Sandy Lender is live at as part of the CMFG Online Book Tour, and George Michael is another year older. It's a good day!

Pick up your copy of the fabulous fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods at Woo-hoo!

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Grammar Guide
Conscious Versus Conscience

I've been lax in posting Grammar Guides. I apologize. It wasn't a conscious oversight, but a function of how busy and crazy my life is at the moment. The topic of this week's Grammar Guide is the difference between Conscious and Conscience. And it's more than just spelling…

Conscious is, essentially, a sense of awareness. This deals with the conscious and subconscious minds. It deals with being conscious of doing something or being alert and awake. In the fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods, Chariss is not conscious that Nigel wants to court her until Hrazon brings it to her attention.

Conscience (with the word "science" in it) is the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. This one deals more with morality and proper conduct. In the fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods, The Master Rothahn doesn't let His conscience intrude upon His desire to have everything done His way at whatever cost.

So the way to keep them clear and not-confused? Well, the way I do it is by remembering that conscience (the one with science in it) handles morality and ethics, much like scientists in this day and age must do.

(Fantasy Author Sandy Lender has been an editor in the magazine publishing industry for more than 15 years and is the author of the new epic fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods, available from

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Word of the Day
Monday, June 25, 2007
Hrel Baine (proper noun) – In the epic fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods, Hrel Baine is Chariss's benefactor as the story opens; he is the ofersey'n of the land of Saweyl; when the story begins, he is away at Golcondell helping his friend Lord Frenir Gint defend his lands from Lord Jamieson Drake's army

Etymology: Baine is a play on the word bane, as in this benefactor of Chariss's could be Lord Drake's bane; Hrel is just a nice Anglo-Saxon-sounding name that I liked

Word in a Sentence (this is the opening sentence to the Choices Meant for Gods trilogy): Lord Baine would not return.

Your turn! Because we learn so little of Lord Baine in the first book, I'll understand if no one out there wants to take a stab at a sentence with his name in it, but you could play with the word "bane" instead.

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Sunday, June 24, 2007

And the Winner Is!
Or...another fabulous new fan gets a replica of Jorin's training sword

The lucky and lovely Faith Sorenson did something very cool today. She attended the fundraiser for the Adonis Society up in Cape Coral, Fla. Now, this means Faith contributed to raising money for autism research in Southwest Florida. It means she cares about the families who are struggling with medical costs and everyday living expenses caring for loved ones with autism. She and about 99 other Southwest Florida citizens came out not just to show support for this cause, but to put their money where their mouths are. They purchased books from ArcheBooks authors knowing the proceeds would go to this good cause. They purchased raffle tickets to win a basket of books from the authors and a basket of Choices Meant for Gods goodies (plus wine) from moi. And Faith entered a contest to win a replica of Jorin Taiman's training sword! And she won!

I'll have her happy mug shot up here later this week because, well, let's face it, The Dragon is too poor right now to afford a digital camera and the ol' trusty Olympus that my mom gave me when I graduated from high school (yes, you read that right) did the honors this afternoon. :) So we'll have the picture of Faith holding her prize later on. But for now, a big shout of CONGRATULATIONS! goes out to our winner. And I'd like to tack on a big "thank-you" as well.

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Where Will You Find Fantasy Author Sandy Lender This Week?

Or...the CMFG Online Book Tour takes Sandy to a few events...

Starting with today's activity, Sandy Lender attended a live event at the Caloosa Yacht and Racket Club where she participated with five other ArcheBooks authors in raising funds for the Adonis Society, which funds research for children and adults with autism. Folks who weren't able to attend can still get a copy of Choices Meant for Gods at

Monday, you'll find an interview with Sandy Lender at I think that's the one where I selected six questions from a list of topics and answered them at random. I don't remember for certain... Whenever that interview goes up, it's going to be a hoot. (It was fun to do.)

Tuesday, you'll find an interview with Sandy Lender at with the fabulous and uplifting Laura Crawford, who just so happens to be a John Taylor fan. Woo-hoo, Laura!

Wednesday, you can catch an interview with Nigel Taiman at And don't think THAT won't be interesting...Sandy will serve as referee, just in case...

Thursday evening, join in for an author chat with Sandy Lender at in her live chat room at 8 p.m. eastern. Bring questions, comments, etc., and enjoy the conversation!

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Saturday, June 23, 2007

Big Thank-Yous for the Week

Or...Choices Meant for Gods Online Book Tour stops were coo-el and The Dragon acknowledges the following...

This week's schedule was convoluted thanks to my travel itinerary, the internet connection, a power outage, the deadlines at work, the upcoming training at work, and a few personal concerns that have me on "high stress." I think the airports would bathe me in the color orange or something... But I'll take a moment right now to thank the lovely hosts from this past week for their generosity of space and time, and I encourage all ya'll to go check their archives to see the interviews and whatnot if you missed them!

Tuesday, June 19, Shelly hosted Sandy Lender at and a lively little discussion about Harry Potter ensued. I'm honored by the chatter!

Wednesday, June 20, on John Taylor's birthday, my interview for Author Island went live at Go to the Interviews link on the left-hand side of the home page there and follow through to the Fantasy Interviews...that's where I am now. Now, you're not going to find a feature where you can leave comments and questions there on the interview, but you can always e-mail me or leave me comments here.

Thursday, June 21, Nigel cornered me for an interview at, and that was very clever of him.

Friday, June 22, my friend Marilyn Morris, who has the military brat novel out right now (you can see the archives here at Today the Dragon Wins for a review of her book and an interview with her) hosted me at and we got to talk about superheroes! Woo-hoo! I'm going to go check that out again, by the way, and see if anyone left comments last night because that was just a fun topic to delve into...

So last week was a great week for interviews and I thank the hosts who participated in the Online Book Tour! Next week promises to be interesting as well with a live author chat Thursday, June 28, at 8 p.m. eastern on I want everyone to clear your calendars and get ready to join in on that one! I'd love to chat with you.

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Word of the Day
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Mala Dell (proper noun) — A town/village in the epic fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods where Nigel and Henry are to go during their training when they enter the military (this takes place about 8 or 9 years prior to the novel's beginning); a village along the east coast of Onweald north of Arcana City

Etymology: Fantasy Author Sandy Lender assembled this word and made up this village from the words Mal (meaning "bad") and Dell (meaning "town")

Word in a Sentence (from the silly little diary of Abigail Farrier at the address of "I’m not sure how we are to repay the Naeglings for their kindness and the expense of the doctor’s visit and medicines before we go, but go we must. Father will not stay near Mala Dell for it is too close to Arcana… And that subject breaks my heart."

Your turn! Have any more of those seashore sentences in ya today? Or a sentence with the Latin "mal" to use our WOD?

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Get Interactive Here the interview there, talk about it here
Folks seem to fear leaving comments at Nigel's blog, so they're sending me e-mails about the interview today. That's perfectly fine. But, just so you know, Nigel Presents Sandy Lender is a harmless and fun environment and Nigel is a kind and gracious host. He doesn't bite...until Book II. Bwuahahahaha.
So you can read that interview at and then comment anywhere you like.
NOW! If you want to comment on what actors or actresses you want to play the characters from Choices Meant for Gods, you can read my responses at, and then come here to have a discussion. I'm alerting the masses. It was a fun interview to do, so I encourage you to read the whole thing; it's part of the CMFG Online Book Tour, but come on back now, ya'hear?
"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Word of the Day
Monday, June 18, 2007
Mar Dell (proper noun) — The town/village in the epic fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods where Abigail Farrier's sister, Gellaina, dies, and another city in the tour Nigel and Henry are to take during their training; a village along the east coast of Onweald, north of Arcana City

Etymology: Fantasy Author Sandy Lender assembled this word and made up this village from the words Mar (meaning "sea") and Dell (meaning "town")

Word in a Sentence (oh, how fitting for my activities over last weekend…from the silly little diary of Abigail Farrier at "I think I can write of my news now. I’ve been so careful to hide my emotions from Father and Mother so they won’t suspect. Nigel Taiman may be coming to Mar Dell!"

Your turn! Have you ever visited the seashore? Well, how about we relax the rules today and let you write a sentence that doesn't necessarily use the words Mar Dell, but instead uses the spirit of the words? Give me a lovely sentence by the seashore.

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Dragon's Not Ready Yet's like a Neurotic Outsiders song...The Story of My Life
My friend Michelle Weston took this picture at my first book signing a couple weekends ago. Hands in motion, trying to get everything "just so" at the table, I wasn't quite ready to pose or anything. But I thought this was a fabulous image to summarize the story of my life at the moment.
I'm not quite ready yet.
The internet is still "down" at home. We've got four magazines going to press at work (right proofs are printing while I type like a madwoman because there ain't nuttin' else to do while we all stare at each other waiting for pizza to arrive). And there are a few other things going on that I'm not going to bore you with. That's why I keep Nigel around. (That and he's a gorgeous hunk of a man to look at. Wow. Not a bad muse to come home to of the evenin'...)
Anyway. I'm not posting this to ramble about disorganization. I'm posting this to get organized with this week's installment about the Choices Meant for Gods Online Book Tour. I want all ya'll to know what's going on this week. First of all, I want you to check out thoroughly. Yes, I'm there. The lovely DeNita Tuttle has this marketing machine in order, let me tell you. And she's got me in the Fantasy section (Of course! Sandy Lender is the newest fantasy author extraordinaire, doncha know! Nigel is rolling his eyes. He wants the computer.) If you check out the front page, DeNita mentions the goodies I sent her as give-aways in her "On My Front Porch" section. She's got bookmarks and bags and books and autographed posters. (Oh, didn't you know you could win an autographed poster of Choices Meant for Gods? Bwuahahahahaha. Go to and figure out how, my pretty pretty, Barbarella.) Anyway, DeNita's got my interview under "Interviews" happening (today) so check that out. She had a fabulous question about who I'd like to have play Nigel and Chariss in a movie...boy howdy...
Tomorrow, I'll be at Yes, you're reading that correctly. I've let Nigel interview me. Don't let anyone tell you that sort of experience isn't surreal...
Then Friday I'll be at, which is managed by the fabulous Marilyn Morris. Marilyn and I are kindred spirits because we're both from military families. Now, Marilyn's dad was in the service deeper into her childhood than mine was, so she has far more experiences and did more overseas traveling than I did, but we can swap "how long did it take you to adjust to a new school" stories when we're not doing interviews. Marilyn asked me a couple of "new" questions that I wasn't expecting for Friday's interview, which was refreshing and interesting. I got to talk about Electra Woman and Dinah Girl! So I encourage all ya'll visitors to Today the Dragon Wins to visit that blog on the 22nd and get involved in the discussion. I'd like to hear about your superheroes...
So that's this week in a nutshell and I look forward to seeing you around the 'net!
"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Givin' Props
Or...The Dragon is late with the thank-yous for last week's Choices Meant for Gods Online Book Tour

I'd like to remind all you visitors to Today the Dragon Wins that Fantasy Author Sandy Lender is still on tour (yay!) and you can still "meet" me all over the internet. It's been a wild and crazy ride so far with multiple stops on various days and author chats on some nights and a constant presence for the month of June at (which reminds me that I have to send my professional reviews over to the lovely and wonderfully patient Nancy Hendrickson to be posted at BloggingAuthors). I'd like to remind you all of the folks who were so kind as to offer me time and space on their sites last week.

Monday, June 11, I appeared at for an interview
Tuesday, June 12, I appeared at for an interview where we had a fabulous follow-up conversation of questions with folks, so if you want to go back and check that archive, I highly recommend it
Wednesday, June 13, I appeared at Dorothy Thompson's with a guest blog post
Thursday, June 14, I appeared at both and with guest blog posts.

Friday, I took a break because I was traveling to New York to stalk John Taylor. Oh, wait, should I admit to that in a public forum? Nigel (my muse) is here waiting his turn to use the computer for his blog over at (Nigel Presents Sandy Lender) and he thinks it's perfectly legal because I didn't leave any evidence...

Anyway, my goal with this post is to thank these wonderful hosts for the time they took and the effort they made to help promote the new epic fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods. I pushed a couple copies while I was in New York and signed a few more (Duranies rock on, by the way), and I encourage all ya'll reading the blog today to get your copy at your local Barnes & Noble or Borders, or hop over to Amazon at to get it with free shipping.

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Ultimate Writing Inspiration is John Taylor's birthday

Back on June 20, 1960, Nigel John Taylor came screaming into the world. And God said, "It is good."

All forms of inspiration then began in earnest. Writing, drawing, painting, photography, music, everything that requires inspiration or a muse or creative's a go because this incredible man is in the world. How else do you think I got through Choices Meant for Gods? (Oh, and you can still get your copy of my debut novel at or my publisher's site at under fantasy authors.)

And that's what I've got to say about that. :)

Happy birthday to John Taylor, the bass guitarist for Duran Duran!
Can I get an amen?

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Word of the Day
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Ooh. Happy Birthday to John Taylor!

Pesch Dell (proper noun) — The town/village in the epic fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods where the slave girl Tiatha Kiev meets her prince, Jareth Kiev of the Southlands (Kora Taiman mentions this story so we all know the legend; it's not really part of the main story); a village along the Wepanchiele River known for its horse trading and fish market

Etymology: Fantasy Author Sandy Lender assembled this word and made up this village from the words Pesch (meaning "fish") and Dell (meaning "town")

Word in a Sentence (from the epic fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods, page 51): Kora told the story of the slave, Tiatha, who worked in Pesch Dell, the town known for its horse trade. When she said the name of Tiatha's master, Jared Drake, Chariss took an interest.

Your turn! Anything fishy in mind?

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Saturday, June 16, 2007

Signing Things

Or...The Dragon discusses signing some more

I'll be tired of this topic in about five minutes and you won't have to read it any more. Promise. But I'm in New York now for my fabulous Duran Duran weekend. I'm signing a copy of Choices Meant for Gods for a couple as soon as I get done blogging here, and I'll be signing some more tonight at the hotel. This is the productive part of the weekend for us writer types. The bizarre picture above is a collage of items John Taylor (one of my muses you'll never hear from on this blog) signed for me back in December.

If you'd like an autographed copy of Choices Meant for Gods, you first have to pick up a copy. You can do that at Logistics are easy to work out from there!

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Word of the Day
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Malachi (proper noun) — The name of Chariss's dragon companion in the epic fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods

Etymology: Old Testament (yes, read all the symbolism into this that you can); Fantasy Author Sandy Lender also made this an Ungol word meaning "one who speaks for a goddess," which sort of alludes to the fact that the prophet Malachi of Biblical times did a lot of speaking for God when he was prophesying wrath and doom & gloom

Word in a Sentence: In the epic fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods, the fledgling dragon grows as his knowledge of how to manage himself grows, and, one night, the wind whispers the name Malachi to him.

Your turn! Any Old Testament fire and brimstone warning sentences for me today?

"Some days, I just want the dragon to in."

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Friday, June 15, 2007

Writers Guide
Some Duran Duran Inspiration Today
Or…one of The Dragon's favorite Duran lyrics

Because I'm going to the fan-club-members-only concert ON MY BIRTHDAY in New York City this weekend, I wanted to post the following amazing, fabulous and coo-el Duran Duran lyric, just to inspire all ya'll writers visiting The Dragon today.

By Duran Duran

She lays on the wall
Watching the strangers drift away
Mid-day's ore—thick
With the sun of Arabia
She surrenders her voices
They gather, on the wind
Talking, chanting, breathing
Into her body…yesterday
Awakened beside
The scent of burnt sugar—on the skin
Painting eyes—thick
With the colour she brings in
Oh, and sure and strong
When the lightning tumbles down
Don't you frown
Everything will be
In time for this evening
If there's secrets
She has to be pardoned to
Everyone one of them
If there's heaven
She gets to the heart
And you'll know…
Why she says
When I run out of blue
Help me rise instead
Then I will run to you
Why she says
When I run out of blue
Give me rain instead
Now let me run…(let me run)
If there's secrets
She has to be pardoned to
Every one of them
If there's heaven
She gets to the heart
And you'll know…
Why she says
When I run out of blue
Help me rise instead
Then I will run to you

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Word of the Day
Friday, June 15, 2007
Kora (proper noun) — Kora Taiman is the current mistress of Hleo-Arcana and becomes Chariss's benefactress early on in the epic fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods; Kora is a goddess of Mahriket and a fabulous, amazing, incredible woman; she is the daughter of The Master Rothahn and Ella (Ella is mentioned a few times in passing in CMFG but her story won't be explained fully until the prequel comes out, and, oh, man, it's a tear-jerker)

Etymology: Fantasy Author Sandy Lender selected the name Kora from Greek mythology

Word in a Sentence (from the epic fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods, page 7): "I'm Kora, the mistress of this house. I give you my word you'll be cared for and protected here."

Your turn! Do you know your Greek mythology? Go ahead…knock my socks off with a sentence that stuns us all!

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Preparing for More than the Weekend

Or... the Choices Meant for Gods Online Book Tour takes a weekend break after today

In the image above, Fantasy Author Sandy Lender visits with a potential fan of the new epic fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods. (The fan is the one who looks normal.) If you'd like to visit with Sandy, you can catch her on four blogs today. This one, Today the Dragon Wins. Nigel Presents Sandy Lender at Spiritual Visitations, where she's giving a very different sort of guest blog that Nigel is actually fuming about. (You see, he likes to debut all information about the writer's life...but he'll get over it.) You can read the post at Then there's a post about the book signing event pictured above, with a different image, at You can leave comments or questions at any of these four blogs and receive feedback or answers from Sandy today.

And if you haven't picked up your copy of the popular Choices Meant for Gods yet, we all encourage you to stop by the publisher's site to get your 25% discount at You can get free shipping on your order of Choices Meant for Gods from Amazon at Enjoy the story!

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Word of the Day
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Saweyl (proper noun) — A region on the west side of Onweald in the fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods; Lord Hrell Baine's land

Etymology: Fantasy Author Sandy Lender created this word from the Old English word saeweal, which means seawall or shore

Word in a Sentence (from the epic fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods, page 13): "You hold Saweyl and all of Gint's lands."

Your turn! Do you have anything creative to say about an ocean shore?

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Promotional Guide
Or...How New Fantasy Author Sandy Lender Gets Noticed

You'll also find this post at where Fantasy Author Sandy Lender is hosted today and, tonight, at Nigel Presents Sandy Lender at, if we can wake Nigel and get him to market market market. ;)

When I announced in TheWritersLife group that I planned to put together an Online Book Tour for Choices Meant for Gods, List Mom Dorothy Thompson watched in the wings for a few days before saying something to the effect of "Woman. Do you want to explain how you're doing this on PumpUpYourOnlineBookPromotion?"

My response was "you better believe it." I'll just add that date to the tour list here.

So here's how I did this, which is not a guidebook, by any means, although I'm turning it into a pretty doggone long article for my publisher's website at the moment so all his authors have it to go by. What I did was pretend I was important. I think that's the first step. If you exude confidence, people are going to think, "hmm, who is this?" Honestly, I learned that from a few years in the public relations field.

I put together a professional-looking group page on Yahoo where potential hosts of the Online Book Tour could download images, my bio, a short and long synopsis of the book, some FAQs (read: an already-prepared interview), two guest blog articles, a press release announcing what we were doing that they could send to their local newspapers if they wanted to get themselves local publicity (read: pump up their own promotion), and a blog announcement to post on their site to get folks aware that they were having an author stop by. That group site also contains a calendar where each host's tour stop date is listed with a nice little reminder that pops up and "pings" them on their special day (at least it pings them if they signed into the site when they got their invitation). The site has links where each tour host is listed. In a separate file in that Links section is a list of special links where hosts can find my page on and my page on my publisher's site, a link to a review, a link to my page on, etc. Important places are highlighted for the hosts' convenience, is what I'm saying, and when the hosts were invited to join the group, these things were pointed out.

I stay on top of the blog the day of the event. Notice I'm calling the activity an "event." My tour isn't a blog tour. It's an Online Book Tour. I'm supporting a book, not a blog. The book is called Choices Meant for Gods (and it's available now at B&N, plug plug plug). And I'm not just doing interviews on blogs. I'm also doing guest posts, like the post you saw at on May 25 or the post you'll see tomorrow at (or this one today!). I'm also doing author chats like the one you can participate in at 8 p.m. eastern June 28 at I'm participating in Author Day when I'm the guest author at I have a web presence at all through the month of June. So, it's not just a blog tour with interviews of me answering the same questions all the time. On the days when you see interviews, like yesterday at, you're seeing different people asking different questions with different groups of visitors asking different follow-up questions. I was really impressed with the questions from the New Zealanders at on June 6.

So gearing up to do an Online Book Tour takes getting confident and getting creative to get noticed. There are a ton of us authors trying to make a splash online these days. I've said this before on this tour; there are more than 400 titles being released every day in the book publishing industry. Think about that competition for a minute. It's enough to make you cringe. How do you compete for space on the book shelves at the brick-and-mortar stores? How do you get noticed there? One way is to call up and beg.

In my current hometown, the Barnes & Noble in the center of downtown is local-author friendly. Praise the Lord. So I called up the PR gal and introduced myself as a new local author. Fabulous! I asked if I could do a book signing some day this summer to help her move some books through her store. Her answer was yes. I nearly fell in the floor.

But how to get noticed in that huge store? First, they set my table up by the front door. Phew! Next, I set up a display that would knock your socks off. I'm a fantasy author, so I dressed the part. I put on a long purple gown with the exaggerated handkerchief sleeves and slapped an amethyst appliqué on my cheek (like the main character Chariss in Choices Meant for Gods) and had myself looking the part. Next, I put an ancient wood box on my table for people to put their entry cards in so they could win the SWORD I had on the table. Let me tell you folks something. Books…you expect to see books in a book store. Swords…you don't expect to see shiny weaponry in a book store. The sword garners attention. It gets noticed.

How else does a new fantasy author get noticed in the book publishing industry? Well, I've got this blog called Today the Dragon Wins at But as my friend Dorothy Thompson will tell you, you can't just build a blog and watch traffic arrive. You have to pump up that blog and get people to notice it. I have six blogs now (four of which don't get the attention from me that they should). The two that do are managed by me and my main male character Nigel Taiman. Nigel manages Nigel Presents Sandy Lender at Between the two of us, we're registered with and and we use html metatags like they're going out of style. We link back and forth and we comment all over the blogosphere (both of us…yes, Nigel has his own e-mail address and blog account).

Now how about My ranking there is currently making me suicidal, despite all the truths I know about it, but I've got an article up on Amapedia and I've got a couple conversation topics started and "watched". I've got seven 5-star reviews (a few from people I don't know!) and a list of tags and search words (which I've added to) that will make your head spin.

I could go on but Dorothy would probably shoot me for making this guest blog too long. These are just some ideas and suggestions that my publisher and I have gone over to help get a new author noticed "out there" amid those 400 new titles a day. The Online Book Tour, the big presence for a book signing, the pumped-up blogs, and using various elements on the page at Amazon are just a few things I've tried so far. Choices Meant for Gods isn't selling like hotcakes, but it's not cooled off yet, either. And it's sitting on the new fiction table at the front of the store at Barnes & Noble right now looking pretty doggone fancy, if you ask me! Woo-hoo! Now, if you're not walking into a B&N today, you can get your copy at

I wish everyone much success with these and other ideas!

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Word of the Day
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Rochest Forest (proper noun) — The forest to the immediate northwest of Arcana City, flanking the Arcanan Vale, in the epic fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods

Etymology: Fantasy Author Sandy Lender created the name of this forest from the character Edward Rochester out of Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre because she wanted something that hinted of darkness and "something hidden." It's not an evil forest, but, as all forests did in medieval days, holds mystery and supernatural elements.

Word in a Sentence: When Nigel Taiman sends Charlotte Anne home to her family to protect her from his younger brother, she is killed in the Rochest Forest.

Your turn! All ya'll have been slackin' on the creativity here as of late… Can you at least think of a sentence with a tree in it? Forests have trees. Scary trees, sometimes.

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Another Great Week of the Online Book Tour
Or...Fantasy Author Sandy Lender wants to thank folks again

I'm always amazed at how little effort it takes to post a simple interview. You just copy, paste, and hit the publish link/button/icon on the computer screen. But are you aware of how much work takes place behind the scenes to get to that point? The following people made a commitment to me last week to save space for new author Sandy Lender on their blogs or websites for a day, thought of questions related to the fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods and my writing life that their visitors would want to know answers to, sent those questions to me for those answers, assembled their interview posts, and then kept track of all the missives and information up until their special day on the Online Book Tour, and hit the publish link/button/icon on the computer screen when it was time to go live.

It's not as easy breezy as it looks. It's not rocket science, but it takes coordination and organization, and I want to thank last week's hosts for making the effort to help me promote Choices Meant for Gods.

Monday was the announcement of my year-long web presence with DeNita Tuttle's Author Island at
Monday also saw my guest blog on Dorothy Thompson's
Tuesday my interview appeared on
Also on Tuesday, my press release appeared at USA Today
Also on Tuesday, the first chapter of Choices Meant for Gods appeared on now up and managed by Jamieson Wolf
On Wednesday, one of my international interviews went live at with some fabulous questions from Yvonne's visitors
Thursday, one of my greatest cheerleaders, Linda Rucker hosted me with an interview at
Then yesterday, my publisher posted my guest blog on acceptance as a theme in Choices Meant for Gods as well as our interview at

The reason I give you this rundown/recap is to encourage you to visit the sites you may have missed and to show you the hosts who have sites worth followup visits in the future. (And the reason you're getting it on Tuesday instead of over the weekend is the whole computer/modem debacle.) These are folks who are obviously interested in helping out new authors, thus they're going to have new talent and new stories to talk about in the coming months. And that's something worth checking out whenever you have time.

Now, today, I'm at thriller author Raven Bower's myspace blog at She has a new novel out called Apparitions. I recommend it highly, especially if you wish to never walk in the woods again, or never swim in a lake again, or never sit in a room alone again, or never talk to strangers again, or never think about ghosts again, etc. CREEPS YA OUT! Fabulous. You can get it at the same place you get Choices Meant for Gods, which is everywhere, Baby! Barnes & Noble, Borders, Hastings,,

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Word of the Day
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Ferweard Fair Straits (proper noun) — The strip of water between the continent of Onweald and the Southern Islands off the southeast edge of the continent in the fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods; named after the lesser goddess who created the waterway when she split the islands off of the end of the continent a few centuries ago

Etymology: Hang onto your seats; this one is full of meaning. Fantasy Author Sandy Lender created this name for the straits out of several things. First, Katherine Fair was a lesser goddess from Mahriket who ended the war of the Southlands about 500 years ago by using the power of her suicide to ignite a spell that separated the warring camps, shook the ground, and separated the land. So part of the name of the straits comes from her name. The rest comes from Old English (of course!). The OE word ferian means carry. The OE word weard means guard, keeper, protector, or lord. When I combined them I came up with ferweard, which is meant to imply a protector or guard who carries one across the straits. Katherine may be "gone," but she still protects the people of the Southlands in their journeys across a waterway that is described in Choices Meant for Gods as not just peaceful, but so calm that the boats must have oarsmen to get across it. No wind blows the sails that hang useless from their lines. (Please notice that yet another word in that region of Onweald stems from a "protection" word.)

Word in a Sentence: To get from Lenordell to Lorendell in the fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods, one must cross the Ferweard Fair Straits for approximately seven or eight days.

Your turn! You have several words to play with today. What fantasy sentences can you come up with Ferweard or ferian or weard in them? I know there's creativity just itching to shine through you.

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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The Dragon is Angry
Or...spouting fire and brimstone

You'll get Word of the Day when I find a computer know...CAN OPEN A WORD DOCUMENT!!!!

I'm stunned.

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

Monday, June 11, 2007

Swear, Swear, Swear, I Didn't Stab Anyone...
Or...Blood-Free Day at Barnes and Noble
Saturday, June 9th, found Fantasy Author Sandy Lender standing at the entryway to Barnes & Noble at the Waterside Shops in Naples, Florida, with a weapon. Oh, well, she also had some copies of Choices Meant for Gods to sign. First! Big thank-yous go out to Michelle Weston, author of A Prophecy Forgotten, for bringing the camera and getting shots of the coo-el event. I also want to thank the folks who stopped by to get copies of the new fantasy novel that's got everyone so excited about Nigel and Chariss. And I would be remiss if I didn't thank the wonderful folks at Barnes & Noble who brought the table out for me and brought me water and stopped by to chat before traffic picked up. It was a wonderful experience to meet so many wonderful new faces Saturday, and I feel empowered by your energy!
And now, for the moment all you contest entry folks have been waiting for...where is Eric Becker? Eric, are you stopping by The Dragon today? I need to reach you, my dear, to let you know that fabulous training sword in the picture above is now YOURS! (I'm sending him an e-mail to let him know.) Yes, Eric is the winner of the replica of Jorin Taiman's training sword. Woo-hoo! And congratulations to you! Lucky dog.
All you other folks who entered the contest need not fear. I've got a couple speaking engagements planned and more book signings to do...there'll be more chances to win more swords. Jorin's sword was easy to replicate, doncha know...
"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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The Choices Meant for Gods Online Book Tour Cannot be Thwarted! internet connection doesn't mar the tour

The good news is all those fabulous hosts are still busy posting posting posting away! And today's hostess, Charlene Leatherman, has a coo-el interview with Fantasy Author Sandy Lender at where you can read fun thoughts and ask your questions.

And that's goin' on all week! (I'm taking Friday off, though, to travel...and those of you who've been following the madness's a Duran Duran thing. It can't be helped.)

So check out these blogs this week!


"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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Word of the Day
Monday, June 11, 2007
Telabyrinth (noun) - A medical condition in the fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods; this is a bad thing; telabyrinth poisoning occurs when a Geasa'n overexerts him or herself teleporting (you can pronounce it however you wish, but I've always said it with a stress on the first and third syllables and with a long I sound for the y; telebIrinth)

Etymology: tel comes from the root "teleport"; labyrinth comes from the labyrinth or "inner ear"; Fantasy author Sandy Lender created the word by combining the two concepts and making up the disease for the Geasa'n in her world

Word in a Sentence (from the fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods, page 10): Even without Chariss's final wish, Kora couldn't have told him that the child he loved like a daughter had telabyrinth poisoning.

Your turn! Now, you may be out of practice getting all uber-creative because my internet connection was down over the weekend (and still is), but I bet you can turn it on to write something fabulous for me today. What poisonous sentences can you come up with?

"Some days, I just want the dragon to win."

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